I confess here and now: Us AlpineFoxes love Viennese wine! Sitting in the middle of a vineyard with a glass of crisp Viennese G'mischter Satz, a Liptauerbrot on my plate and, best of all, our beautiful city at our feet, then that's paradise on earth for me. Of course, I have my absolute favorite places to which I am drawn again and again. Some of you may have even gotten to know them on one of my legendary wine walks. And soon it will be consistently warm, and then it will be time to go up on the Nußberg with the AlpineFoxes!

You don't want to wait? Understandable. In that case, here are a few of my absolute favorites. Here you can spend a warm spring or summer day in pure bliss, whether alone or with friends. It's like a short vacation, and yet you don't have to leave Vienna! But of course I'm also happy if you have tips for me, because I'm always looking for new, magical places in Vienna, so reach out if you got 'em!
So, here they are, my ultimate list of the 5 coziest Heurigen in Vienna:
On nice, dry weekends I basically "live" at the Windischbauer. You can reach it on foot from Nußdorf after a fairly short but steep climb through the wineyards. The effort pays off: the wines (especially the creamy Blanc de Noir) taste wonderful and the view of the city is to die for. Just as hidden on the steep slope of the Nußberg and therefore just as wonderful are, by the way, the neighbors: the "Franzinger" and the "Emmerich Glashüttner". 100% AlpineFoxes recommendation for all of them!
Dates and info:
„Die Hütte am Bellevue“: Another magical place where you can spend hours and dream into the sunset. The view goes over the vineyards to the "wild" side of Vienna, here the view of the Vienna Woods is the star and the G'mischte Satz my favorite. You can also hike up to the Burner: Exit the bus 39A at station Karthäuserstraße, then hike over the Schatzlsteig to the Bellevuewiese. This takes about 30 minutes, but is a steep and sweaty uphill walk. Feeling lazy? Then take the 38A to station Cobenzl and have an easy downhill walk from there, reaching the hütte in about 10 minutes.
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„Die Wagnerei“: A wonderful place for a nightcap on the way from Nußberg (see No. 1😉) to the D-Wagen (tram). One usually doesn't stop at just one drink, because the small garden is so cozy that you don't want to go home. Here the Viennes jokes run wild, the way to the tram home is short, and the Fleischlaberl (Austrian meatballs) taste like mum made them. I can't think of anything else I'd need.
Dates and info:
„Ausblick.Wien“: Now it's over to the other side of the Danube! An absolute insider tip in the old Strobelinsdorf, today's Strebersdorf, which opens up a completely different perspective on Vienna in terms of views. Nomen est Omen! The fabulously beautiful view over the rolling hills of the vineyards across to the city, the award-winning wine and the delicious delicacies can also be enjoyed once a month listening to the music of the "Murtaler Kirchtagsmusi". Walks through the vineyards with a snack at the end are also offered. Basically the equivalent of my own Foxy wine walks over in the 19th district. It's also worthwhile to visit a neighbor here: only approx. 15 minutes by foot away from "Ausblick.Wien" is the Weingut Walter Wien. Here you'll find another wonderful place where you can spend an entire day.
Dates and info:
Finally, I am drawn to a completely different area of Vienna, to the "Grinzing of Favoriten," as the established Oberlaa residents like to call their area. Hidden behind a plain facade is the huge natural garden of the Wieselthaler Buschenschank, where you can try out completely "different" wines on hot days. The terroir of Oberlaa is very different from that of other wine-growing villages in Vienna, and that is precisely what makes the award-winning wines so interesting. It is rustic and down-to-earth here. There's no view, but there's an amazing hot buffet featuring the stars of Viennese cooking: The Backhenderl and the Surschnitzel at Wieselthaler are among the juiciest in town. The Wieselthaler is easy to reach by public transport: take the U1 to Therme Oberlaa and then walk a few minutes along Laaerbergstraße. Or you can earn the wine and your Liptauerbrot during a walk from the central cemetery through the vineyards of the Laaerberg!
Info and dates:
Now: I wish you a lot of fun exploring my insider tips on your own. But don't forget: Together it's even more fun and above all more informative! And what would a glass of wine be without the right stories? Incidentially, I always have them with me. Therefore: Eyes and ears open, and register right away for the next wine hike. See you soon!